Want to learn the best business insights from remarkable speakers at Slush 2023, but don’t have the time to watch the full speeches on YouTube?
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<p class="h1-rich">🤏 TL;DR</p>
The European tech ecosystem has faced challenges in securing new customers, partners, and access to capital due to high inflation and interest rates, but the industry has seen a recovery with an influx of new companies raising private capital. However, European startups face a gap in accessing capital compared to their US counterparts, and this gap widens over a startup's life cycle. Action items include building a stable and dedicated supply of capital in Europe, providing more capital to underrepresented founders, increasing institutional investment in venture capital, and encouraging policymakers to embrace and incentivize growth and innovation.
<p class="h1-rich">✨ Summary</p>
State of European Tech 2023
- The European tech ecosystem has faced challenges in securing new customers, partners, and access to capital due to high inflation and interest rates.
- Global investment levels are down, with Europe on track for $45 billion of investment this year, compared to $82 billion last year.
- European investment levels are up 18% compared to 2020, while other regions have seen a decline.
- Europe needs to build its own stable supply of capital as participation from investors outside of Europe has decreased.
- Publicly listed technology companies have rebounded, but the IPO window has not fully reopened.
- M&A activity has continued, with $36 billion in value realized this year.
- Private valuations have corrected and returned to normalized levels, with exceptions in Series C rounds.
- The European tech industry has seen a recovery, with the public markets rallying and an influx of new companies raising private capital.
- 80% of all capital invested is going into rounds that are flat or up.
- Early-stage investment remains robust, while growth-stage investment has seen a sharp drop.
- Challenges persist for diverse founding teams, and more capital needs to flow to women and other underrepresented founders.
- The European tech industry has seen significant growth in talent, with more international talent coming to Europe than leaving for Silicon Valley.
Trends in Tech Startup Formation and Investment
- New tech startup formation has slowed by approximately 30% from its peak in 2020, but this slowdown indicates the presence of enduring companies.
- Europe is outpacing the US in tech startup formation.
- Sustainability, climate, and health are top themes for job seekers, demonstrating Europe's determination to build a better future.
- Startups in the carbon and energy sector have captured 27% of all capital invested, making it the largest sector in funding levels.
- AI companies have been a dominant theme in investments, especially at the early and growth stages.
- Europe has witnessed a 10x increase in the number of people working in AI roles and claims a larger resident population of highly skilled AI professionals than the US.
Opportunities and Challenges for European Startups
- Europe benefits from its largest ever pool of tech startups, with nearly 4000 growth-stage startups that have the potential to shape the future.
- European startups face a gap in accessing capital compared to their US counterparts, and this gap widens over a startup's life cycle.
- European institutional investors need to match the scale of ambition of founders and startups, as only 8% of European asset manager AUM is allocated to VC compared to 16% in the US.
- Policy makers and institutions need to embrace and incentivize growth and innovation in the tech ecosystem.
- Skype's success story highlights the impact of investors taking risks and leaning into European startups.
- There is enormous potential in the European tech ecosystem, but action is needed to bridge gaps and support founders in building breakthrough companies.