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Product Management

The AARRR Metrics: Measuring the Impact of Your User Onboarding Funnel

October 20, 2024
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Last updated
October 20, 2024
Anika Jahin
The AARRR Metrics: Measuring the Impact of Your User Onboarding Funnel
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The first few minutes a user spends with your product are crucial. A well-designed onboarding funnel can make all the difference in turning new users into lifelong customers. But how do you measure the success of your onboarding funnel? Enter the AARRR metrics. These five metrics—Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue—help you understand how effectively your onboarding process is performing.

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the AARRR framework and how it can reveal valuable insights into your user onboarding funnel.

What Are AARRR Metrics?

The AARRR metrics framework is a model designed to help businesses measure growth across key stages of the customer journey. Each metric represents a vital stage:

  • Acquisition: How users discover your product. This is often through channels like social media, ads, or referrals.
  • Activation: The first moment a user experiences the value of your product. This could be completing an onboarding tutorial or using a core feature for the first time.
  • Retention: Keeping users engaged and returning after the initial visit. Retention is key to building long-term relationships with customers.
  • Referral: When your users recommend your product to others. Referrals are an important growth channel and a sign of satisfaction.
  • Revenue: How your product generates income, typically through subscriptions, purchases, or upgrades.

Why AARRR Metrics Matter for Onboarding

Onboarding is where users form their first impression of your product. If users can’t easily access the value during onboarding, they are likely to churn. Tracking AARRR metrics enables you to pinpoint areas where users get stuck or disengaged, helping you improve the onboarding flow and increase long-term engagement.

For instance, tracking activation metrics can tell you how many users complete the onboarding tutorial, while retention metrics reveal whether these users continue using the product afterward. Understanding these patterns is essential for refining the onboarding process and boosting user satisfaction.

Breaking Down the AARRR Metrics for Onboarding

Here’s how you can apply each AARRR metric to your user onboarding funnel:

  • Acquisition: Measure where your users are coming from. Is your marketing targeting the right audience? Which channels bring in the highest-quality users who complete onboarding?
  • Activation: How quickly do users grasp the value of your product? Monitor the completion rates of tutorials, initial tasks, or setup processes to gauge activation success.
  • Retention: Look at how often users return after their first interaction. Are they coming back within days or weeks? Retention is the key to building a loyal user base.
  • Referral: Are your onboarding users recommending your product to others? Track referral codes or shares made by users who have successfully gone through onboarding.
  • Revenue: How many users convert to paying customers after completing onboarding? This is a critical metric for understanding how well your funnel is performing.

How to Measure the Impact of Each Metric in Onboarding

To get the most out of the AARRR metrics, you need to use the right tools and methods. Here’s how to track them:

  • Acquisition: Tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and CRM systems help you track where users are coming from.
  • Activation: Product analytics platforms like Mixpanel or Amplitude can track key events like sign-ups, tutorial completion, or first-time feature use.
  • Retention: Tools like Heap or cohort analysis software allow you to track user engagement and retention over time.
  • Referral: Implement referral programs with tools like ReferralCandy or Mention Me to see how many users are referring others.
  • Revenue: Payment processing tools and CRM systems can help you monitor revenue generation and conversion rates post-onboarding.

Best Practices for Using AARRR Metrics to Optimize Onboarding

  • Analyze Data Regularly: Regularly review each AARRR metric to find potential bottlenecks in the onboarding process.
  • Focus on Activation: Reduce friction in the activation stage by simplifying user tasks or offering clear instructions.
  • Segment Users: Different user segments might respond differently to onboarding steps. Analyze data by user type to find the best approach for each.
  • Iterate Based on Insights: Continuously test and improve your onboarding flow based on AARRR metrics data.


The AARRR metrics framework offers a clear path to improving your onboarding funnel. By tracking and analyzing these five key metrics, you can spot potential issues, fine-tune your onboarding experience, and drive significant growth for your product. Start small by focusing on one or two metrics, and then expand your analysis as you iterate and improve the onboarding process. When done correctly, this data-driven approach can lead to higher activation, better retention, and increased revenue.

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The AARRR Metrics: Measuring the Impact of Your User Onboarding Funnel
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The AARRR Metrics: Measuring the Impact of Your User Onboarding Funnel
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The AARRR Metrics: Measuring the Impact of Your User Onboarding Funnel
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