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Exciting new updates and features to Wudpecker

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February 12, 2024

“Ask Wudpecker” Suggests Insightful Questions

Ask Wudpecker is now smarter than before!

Previously, you could only submit your own questions about what specifically was said in the meeting.

It’s still possible to do, but on top of that…

  1. Wudpecker gives you suggestions for questions to ask.
  2. Those questions can be related to what was literally said, or even related topics (for example, any extra tips for career development that your supervisor didn’t mention in the meeting)

In other words, with Ask Wudpecker, you have an endless source of learning material related to your meeting’s discussions.


…type your question.

writing a question for ask wudpecker

But if you run out of ideas...

…select a question suggested by Wudpecker.

February 5, 2024

Customize Meeting Summaries Your Way

Most of the time, Wudpecker generates exactly the notes you need.

But sometimes…

  • you want the notes to be more detailed. And Wudpecker might have decided to be just a bit too concise.
  • instead of bullet points, you want to skim through a table
  • you prefer consuming your notes in a different language

Now, you can instruct Wudpecker to redo the notes, tailored specifically to you.

rewriting wudpecker meeting notes gif

You can either Replace the whole original summary with the new version, or Append the new one to the original notes at the end of the page.

This opens up many possibilities for customizing the notes and you can decide what type of edits you want to make depending on your role and needs.

Or, if you need to report to your manager in a specific way, Wudpecker will do the editing work for you.

You can also use the Wudpecker templates for rewriting notes.

Give it a try!

January 29, 2024

Search for Notes Faster

Too many call notes? Can't remember where they are?

You have two ways to access the search bar that helps you find an old meeting summary.

  1. Press Command/Control + K on your keyboard.
  2. Simply click on the search bar on the left side of the screen.
screen recording of clicking on the search bar on Wudpecker and finding an old meeting summary

After that, you can either:

search for notes by meeting title or participants


scroll down

to find the notes you’re looking for.

January 22, 2024

Zoom Joining Update

Previously, admitting our notetaker into your Zoom call was all that was required for Wudpecker to capture your meeting.

Recently, Zoom has added some new requirements for meeting assistants like us.

We’re now required to ask…

  1. to be let in from the waiting room
  2. the meeting host permission to capture your meeting

What you need to know as the meeting host

  • Wudpecker will continue to ask to be admitted into your meeting as usual
  • Wudpecker will now also ask you, the meeting host, for permission to capture the meeting as soon as our assistant is let into the call
  • You must allow both in order for us to deliver meeting notes

What you need to know as a participant

  • Wudpecker will continue to ask to be admitted into your meeting as usual
  • Wudpecker will ask the host for permission to capture the meeting
  • The meeting host must allow both permissions in order for us to deliver meeting notes to you
  • It’s a good idea to let the host know that you’re trying to capture the meeting

What’s not changing

Google Meet and Teams? Business as usual! No permission twist needed there.

So there you have it! A slight adjustment for Zoom, but the end result remains the same: Wudpecker by your side, capturing all those meeting moments that matter most.

January 15, 2024

Beyond Notes: Download Your Audio

If for whatever reason you want to treasure the audio recording of your meeting, Wudpecker makes it possible.

It’s super easy to do. Here’s how.

  1. Navigate to the upper right corner of your meeting notes and click on the horizontal three dots (···)
  2. Press “Download audio”
  3. In the new tab, click on the vertical three dots in the bottom right corner and select “Download

And now you’re all set! You should find the audio file in your computer.

January 8, 2024

Notion Integration

Notion is useful for company-wide sharing and collaborating on documents, and Wudpecker is great for storing your personal meeting summaries.

Now you can combine them both!

With the new integration, Wudpecker can automatically send its automatically generated meetings notes to the Notion page of your choice.

That way, you can still have your personal vault for your own meeting notes on Wudpecker, but make it easier to keep a shared storage space of everyone’s meeting summaries on Notion.

How to set it up

Step 1: On Wudpecker, click on Integrations in the bottom left corner

Step 2: Toggle on Notion’s integration

Step 3: You will be sent to Notion’s integration permission page. Tap Select pages

Step 4: Select the Notion page where you want Wudpecker to deliver the meeting notes. Click on Allow access

Step 5: On Notion, open the same page you selected in Step 4. If you want each new call summary to be populated as a new page in this location, move on to Step 6. Instead, if you want the notes to be sent to another page within the one you’ve opened, go ahead and open that page.

Step 6: Tap Share in the top right corner, then Copy link. Alternatively, you can copy the URL from the search bar directly.

Step 7: Go back to Wudpecker’s Integration page. Paste the link into the field and select Connect page. Note: this step is also required even if you already chose the exact same page in Step 4!

How to review Wudpecker notes on Notion

After a meeting ends, Wudpecker will automatically send the summary to the Notion page of your choosing.

Having a centralized location to store and access everyone’s meeting notes is valuable for keeping up with what’s happening in the company and making more informed decisions.

So, go ahead and enjoy the seamless co-operation between Notion and Wudpecker!

December 18, 2023

Slack Integration

Using both Wudpecker and Slack?

Did you know you can easily integrate them with each other?

That way, after every meeting, your notes are automatically sent to you as a DM on Slack. This makes it easier for you to forward them to colleagues on your Slack workspace.

How do I make it work?

Step 1: On Wudpecker’s browser app, click on Integrations in the bottom left corner

Step 2: Toggle on Slack’s integration and choose Allow permission

Step 3: Enter your workspace’s Slack URL and Continue

Step 4: Sign in to your Slack workspace

Step 5: Allow permission

Step 6: Make sure that Wudpecker shows Slack as “Active”

If you’ve done this before…

There are a a few less steps to re-activate the integration.

Step 1: On Wudpecker’s browser app, click on Integrations in the bottom left corner

Step 2: Toggle on Slack’s integration and choose Allow permission

Step 3: Make sure that Wudpecker shows Slack as “Active”

Now you should automatically receive meeting notes in Slack as a direct message after each meeting ends.

December 11, 2023

Reconnect calendar

If Wudpecker doesn’t show any of your future calls in the Calendar view (in My Calls) or in Upcoming Calls, you might need to reconnect your calendar.

Here’s how you do it.

Step 1: Go to Upcoming Calls in the browser app.

Step 2: Click Reconnect Calendar on the right.

Step 3: Choose the Google or Microsoft account whose calendar's calls you want Wudpecker to join.

If the problem still occurs, contact us in the chat.

December 4, 2023

Edit Notetaker’s Introduction Chat Message

Have other meeting participants ever been confused about your Wudpecker notetaker joining the meeting?

As you might have noticed, the notetaker automatically introduces itself in the meeting chat in the following way:

“Hi all, I'm an AI Notetaker, taking high-quality notes for <your name> - From Wudpecker with ❤️”

Now you have the option to edit the notetaker chat message however you like.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: On Wudpecker’s browser app, click on Settings in the bottom left corner

Step 2: Under Message at start, make sure you’ve toggled on “Show message when notetaker joins

Step 3: Click on the text field to edit the message however you want. Wudpecker automatically saves the changes for you.

Keep in mind the purpose of the message and the intended audience.

Is the message intended to be informative, persuasive, or friendly? And who are you writing the message to? The tone of the message should be appropriate for the audience.

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Hi, I’m an AI notetaker and I'm recording this meeting. After our session, I’ll create a summary, transcript and audio recording of the discussion. Ask <your name> for the notes later!
  • I’ll be taking AI generated meeting notes for <your name>. I can also translate the meeting’s discussions, tell you what tasks you were assigned, and more.

Why not make it more clear for other attendees exactly what Wudpecker is there for? This will save your time in explaining the basics about the notetaker.