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Go bot-less with the MacOS app

visualization of the wudpecker mac desktop app in use

Works for both virtual and in-person meetings

The desktop app can record any virtual meetings (such as Zoom, Google Meet, Teams,... ) on your computer. It also records your meetings in person, as long as the app is on!

Unlimited recording

If you’re recording meetings with the desktop app instead of the notetaker bot, you can capture discussions as many times as you want without limitations!
Unlimited recordings

Control when to record

Pause for topics you don't want to record. Start recording whenever. If you change your mind, cancel the recording.
Play pause and stop recording

Ask for permission

The notetaker bot will not be in the meeting to announce itself. It is your responsibility to ask the meeting participants for permission to record.


First installation step
Open wudpecker.dmg in the Downloads folder
second installation step
Drag and drop Wudpecker to the Applications folder. You might be asked to enter your admin password
third installation step
Navigate to the Applications folder and double-click Wudpecker

Download Wudpecker for desktop

Download for MacOS
Also available for Windows

All download options

Record whenever and wherever