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Exciting new updates and features to Wudpecker

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August 9, 2024

Record In-Person Audio on Your Android

Wudpecker has entered the world of Mac, Windows, iOS, and finally… Android!

Here’s what it means for you:

  • No need to be tied to your computer—record meetings or brainstorm sessions directly from your phone.
  • Record however many times you want, for free.
  • Move over to the browser to access the audio recording and AI notes.
how wudpecker android app works (gif)

Simply record on your phone, name and upload the meeting, and check the notes later on the computer.

More information and download link here.

August 8, 2024

Record In-Person Audio on Your iPhone

Our new iPhone app allows a hassle-free recording experience using just your phone!

Whether you're in a spontaneous meeting, away from your computer, or brainstorming ideas on the go, the ability to quickly record on your iPhone can be invaluable.

Plus, you can record however many times you want, for free.

screenshot of the wudpecker app on the app store

Simply record on your iPhone, name and upload the meeting, and check the notes later on the computer.

More information and download link here.

August 6, 2024

Record on Windows Desktop Without a Bot

After a successful MacOS launch in April, we're thrilled to announce that the Wudpecker bot-less experience is now available for Windows users as well!

This means:

  • Record an unlimited amount of meetings per month
  • No more AI bots interrupting your meetings
  • Pause or discard the recording whenever you need
  • You can record on any meeting platform or even in person

However, it also means:

  • You have to manually begin recording
  • You must inform participants about the recording yourself

Read more and download here.

visualization of the wudpecker windows desktop app in use

P.S. Also check out our new iOS and Android apps!

July 9, 2024

Organize Notes into Collections

Just like you’d organize any other work documents, it makes sense to group similar call notes into their own collections.

Here’s what you can do when it comes to organizing calls on Wudpecker.

1) Create a New Collection

In the menu, press + next to Collections and name your new collection. Then, assign a distinct color for it so it’s easier to differentiate from others.

You can also edit and delete collections later.

screen recording showing how to create a new collection in the menu

2) Move to Another Collection

In case you need to reorganize calls into different collections, there are a few different ways to go about it. Each call can only belong to one collection at a time.

screen recording showing how to move a call to another collection in My Calls or the single call view

June 26, 2024

Click on Quotes, See Them in Transcript

Finding the details from a past work conversation has never been this easy.

Here’s why:

You can click on the quotes Ask Wudpecker has given you from the meeting and jump straight to the correct timestamp in the transcript.

Let Wudpecker do the treasure hunting for you. It’s like your personal Indiana Jones.

screen recording of clicking on sources from ask wudpecker and seeing the related parts in the transcript

June 25, 2024

See Quote Sources

Want to find an exact quote from the meeting but don’t…

  • have time to scroll through the whole transcript?
  • remember what was said word-for-word so the good ol’ Cmd + F search functionality won’t serve you either?

Well, worry no more. Ask Wudpecker can answer any question about your meeting, and back it up with quotes from the conversation.

The Sources button does the trick.

screen recording of pressing sources on the ask wudpecker chat

June 24, 2024

Share a Call Directly to Another User’s Workspace

You might have received or shared Wudpecker calls with your colleagues before, and noticed that the shared copy can’t be edited. It’s often also behind a link in some old email which makes it more difficult to go back to.

But what if you could share calls to other people’s Wudpecker account directly, where it appears as a meeting summary like any other?

It’s totally possible! Simply go to a call, press Share, type an email address, and press enter. Once you’ve added all the addresses, click Share once more.

screen recording of sharing a call

Now the call will automatically appear in the recipients’ Wudpecker account. They can add the call to any of their own collections and edit the notes as much as they want. They can also use Ask Wudpecker for that call. None of these actions will affect the original version in the original account in any way.

a screen recording of seeing a shared call in your wudpecker account

June 20, 2024

Ask Follow-up Questions About AI Insights

AI not always giving you a clear answer on Ask Wudpecker?

Now you can ask it follow-up questions about any part of the insights.

Just highlight the section you want to refer to, and give the AI a new question or instruction related to the section.

When you do this, AI can understand the context of your query better and is less likely to give you unrelated explanations.

screen recording of using the "ask follow-up" feature on Ask Wudpecker

June 17, 2024

Move Wudpecker’s Insights Into the Call Summary

The summary is now fully editable, which of course means you can also paste any text into it.

So, when you get an answer from Ask Wudpecker, highlight the text and copy (Cmd + C) or simply press “Copy”.

Then, go over to your summary and paste (Cmd + V) the text wherever you want.

Simple yet effective.

screen recording of copying and pasting an ask wudpecker answer to the summary

June 13, 2024

Delete Chat History and See Previous Prompts

Ask Wudpecker is now a more prevalent part of the Wudpecker workflow for many users.


Because the summary doesn’t always give you exactly the information you need or in the format you want to read it.

You can get any insights from the meeting with the help of AI prompts (in other words, instructions).

We have a couple of new features for handling your previous prompts:

  • delete chat history
  • see and use previous prompts
screen recording of deleting ask wudpecker chat history and checking previous prompts

With these features, you can start with a clean slate and keep your Ask Wudpecker window tidy. Or, if you need to refresh your memory about past prompts, now you can reuse them with one click.