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Product Management

How to Combine Real-Time User Behavior with User Feedback for Deeper Insights

October 14, 2024
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October 14, 2024
Anika Jahin
How to Combine Real-Time User Behavior with User Feedback for Deeper Insights
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Understanding how users interact with your product is crucial to making data-driven decisions. But to truly grasp the full picture of user behavior, it’s essential to combine two powerful sources of information: real-time user behavior and user feedback. Real-time data shows you what users are doing, while feedback reveals why they are doing it. By integrating both, you can gain deeper insights and make smarter product decisions.

In this blog, we’ll explore why combining these two data sources is important, how they complement each other, and steps to start using them together.

The Importance of Combining Real-Time User Behavior and User Feedback

When analyzing user behavior, real-time data offers an in-the-moment view of what’s happening on your site or app. Whether it’s session recordings, heatmaps, or click maps, these tools help you track exactly how users interact with features. But while real-time data shows the “what,” user feedback tells you the “why.” Feedback tools like surveys, in-app prompts, and reviews give you the context behind user actions, helping you understand the reasoning and emotions driving their behavior.

How Real-Time Behavior and User Feedback Complement Each Other

1. Identifying Gaps Between Perception and Behavior:

Sometimes, what users say in feedback doesn’t align with how they actually behave. Real-time observation may reveal that users are interacting with a feature differently than they report in surveys or interviews. Combining both data sets helps you spot these gaps and investigate the root cause.

2. Filling in the 'Why':

While real-time user behavior data provides a clear picture of what users are doing, it often leaves you wondering why they’re doing it. For example, heatmaps might show users frequently clicking a particular section of your webpage, but only user feedback can tell you if they’re confused or expecting a different result.

3. Validating Hypotheses:

Combining data from both sources helps validate assumptions. If you notice a high drop-off rate on a key feature, feedback can help explain whether users found it confusing, unnecessary, or poorly placed. With both sets of insights, you can make more confident decisions about improvements.

Steps to Effectively Combine Real-Time Behavior with User Feedback

(1) Collect Real-Time Data

Start by gathering real-time behavior data using tools like Hotjar, FullStory, or Crazy Egg. Look for key metrics such as session recordings, heatmaps, click paths, and conversion rates to understand how users navigate your product.

(2) Gather User Feedback

Use surveys, feedback forms, or in-app prompts to collect qualitative data. Tools like Intercom or Wudpecker can help you engage users and gather meaningful insights about their experience. Ask questions that align with the behavior you’ve observed to clarify their motivations.

(3) Cross-Analyze Behavior with Feedback

Once you have both sets of data, compare them to identify patterns, contradictions, or areas for further exploration. For example, if users frequently abandon a form, compare behavior data (where they dropped off) with feedback (why they dropped off) to find actionable insights.

(4) Take Action Based on Combined Insights

Use the combined data to prioritize feature updates or improvements. Address both the observed behavior and the underlying reasons revealed through feedback. This ensures your changes are comprehensive and based on a full understanding of the user experience.

Practical Examples of Combining Data for Insights

1. Improving Onboarding Flows:

You might notice users dropping off during onboarding, as shown by session recordings. By pairing this with feedback where users mention confusion or too many steps, you can streamline the process and reduce drop-off rates.

2. Enhancing Feature Discoverability:

If users aren’t engaging with a new feature, real-time data might show low clicks, while feedback indicates they didn’t even know the feature existed. This insight can lead you to adjust its placement or add a tutorial for better discoverability.

3. Reducing Form Abandonment:

Behavior data might show high abandonment rates on a form, while feedback reveals that users found certain fields irrelevant or complicated. Simplifying the form based on this combined data can lead to higher completion rates.

Tools for Combining Real-Time Behavior and User Feedback

  • Real-Time Behavior Tools: Hotjar, FullStory, Crazy Egg.
  • User Feedback Tools: Intercom, Wudpecker, SurveyMonkey.
  • Integrated Tools: Platforms like Hotjar that offer both session recordings and feedback collection.

Best Practices for Combining Data

  • Start with High-Impact Pages or Features: Focus on areas where improvements will have the biggest effect, such as conversion funnels or high-traffic pages.
  • Look for Common Patterns: Compare behavior and feedback to find recurring themes that indicate potential problems or opportunities.
  • Iterate Based on Results: Make improvements based on the combined insights and continuously monitor the results to see if further adjustments are needed. By regularly iterating based on both real-time data and feedback, you can create a dynamic and responsive user experience that evolves with your users’ needs.


Combining real-time user behavior with user feedback offers a deeper, more complete understanding of how and why users interact with your product. By integrating both data sources, you can uncover valuable insights that drive smarter decision-making, leading to better feature design, improved user experiences, and more successful product outcomes. Start leveraging tools for real-time behavior tracking and feedback collection today, and watch your product evolve with the needs of your users.

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How to Combine Real-Time User Behavior with User Feedback for Deeper Insights
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How to Combine Real-Time User Behavior with User Feedback for Deeper Insights
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How to Combine Real-Time User Behavior with User Feedback for Deeper Insights
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