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Talent Acquisitions
Talent Acquisitions

HR Exit Interview Template

How to gain valuable insights and improve employee retention
Click here to copy!

Instruction: Update the summary based on this template below

Opening Question

What is your motivation for leaving?

Company Performance Feedback

What is the organization doing well?

How could the organization be better?

Working Conditions

How was the working environment (i.e. workplace, job hours, etc.)?

How could it be improved?

Highlights & Lowlights

What were your three favorite parts about working here?

What three things would you change?

Employee Onboarding

What do you know now that you wish you were told in the onboarding process?

Advice for a Replacement

What advice would you give to someone starting in your position?

How to use this template for your next meeting

Want to have automatically generated meeting notes in the specific template format above? Just follow these easy steps!

screen recording showing how to copy the template and paste it as a prompt in Wudpecker's meeting notes
Steps 4-7

Step 1: Log in / Sign up to Wudpecker’s browser app.

Step 2: Conduct your meeting with Wudpecker’s notetaker admitted in it.

Step 3: Go to the Templates section on the Wudpecker website. Select the template you want to use.

Step 4: Press the “Click here to copy” button.

Step 5: In the Wudpecker app, open the notes of the meeting that you want to use the template for.

Step 6: In the notes, click on “Re-write with custom prompt”

Step 7: Paste (Ctrl/Cmd + V) the template that you copied and press “Re-write notes”. You should see the notes in just a couple of minutes.

Why this template is useful

The HR Exit Template is a guide for conducting an exit interview with an employee who is leaving the company. The purpose of the template is to gather feedback from the employee about their experience working for the company, and to identify areas for improvement.

The template includes questions about the employee's motivation for leaving, their feedback on the company's performance, their thoughts on working conditions, their highlights and lowlights of working at the company, their experience with employee onboarding, and any advice they would give to a replacement. By using this template, HR can gain valuable insights into what is working well at the company, and what could be improved. This information can be used to make changes that will benefit current and future employees, and to help reduce turnover rates.

This HR Exit Template is a valuable tool for gathering feedback from departing employees and improving the company's overall performance.


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